The Developer Experience with Charlie Kindel

GotoSettings.ChooseUpdate&security.Thenchoose“ForDevelopers”andenablethedevelopermodelikethefollowingscreen....OnyourWindows10PhoneGoto ...,InordertodevelopappsforWindowsPhoneyouneedtohavedeveloperaccount($19/yearforindividualsand$99/yearforcompa...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Enable Your Windows 10 Device For Developer Mode

Go to Settings. Choose Update & security. Then choose “For Developers” and enable the developer mode like the following screen. ... On your Windows 10 Phone Go to ...

How to develop apps for Windows Phone

In order to develop apps for Windows Phone you need to have developer account ($19/year for individuals and $99/year for company).

How to: Developer Unlock Windows Phone (free)

You can get a 2-app-limit dev unlock for free (just download the SDK and use the developer registration tool with *any* Microsoft account).

Windows and Windows Phone Annual Developer Registration 發票 ...

我們公司已線上購買Windows and Windows Phone Annual Developer Registration,也收到電子發票,但是在發票上並沒有發現統一編號,請問要如何更改讓發票上有公司統一編號?

Windows Phone

Windows Phone (WP) is a discontinued [6] mobile operating system developed by Microsoft Mobile for smartphones as the replacement successor to Windows Mobile.

Windows Phone

Windows Phone(簡稱WP)是微軟為智慧型手機開發的已停產的行動作業系統系列。Windows Phone將微軟旗下的Xbox Live遊戲、Xbox Music音樂與獨特的影片體驗整合到了系統中 ...

Windows Phone 7 Developer Guide

Windows Phone 7為公司和開發人員提供了一個令人興奮的新機會,可以建立隨用戶移動、互動且具有吸引力的應用程式,並在用戶希望使用應用程式的任何時間和地點提供。

Windows Phone Developer Blog Archives

Independent UK-based developer surpasses 3.5 million downloads on Windows devices in less than one year. Windows Phone Developer Blog ...

Windows Phone Developer

A Windows Phone Developer is responsible for designing and creating mobile applications for Microsoft devices. They research ideas and develop prototypes to ...

Windows Phone SDK 8.0

Windows Phone Software Development Kit (SDK) 8.0 提供您開發Windows Phone 8 和Windows Phone 7.5 應用程式和遊戲所需要的工具。


GotoSettings.ChooseUpdate&security.Thenchoose“ForDevelopers”andenablethedevelopermodelikethefollowingscreen....OnyourWindows10PhoneGoto ...,InordertodevelopappsforWindowsPhoneyouneedtohavedeveloperaccount($19/yearforindividualsand$99/yearforcompany).,Youcangeta2-app-limitdevunlockforfree(justdownloadtheSDKandusethedeveloperregistrationtoolwith*any*Microsoftaccount).,我們公司已線上購買Windo...